Printable Goldfish Journal for Kids Learning Mandarin Chinese

Your kids will love journaling with this personalized goldfish journal set! This goldfish journal is created to help your kids identify their 5 senses and describing events of their day with 5 senses. As they complete each journal page, they will effortlessly pickup an array of Chinese words like the weekdays, weather, and each sense. Journaling is a wonderful routine to develop as it encourages your child to practice describing and recording thoughts. It is also a great pastime together as they share with you their day. In this Goldfish Journal Set, your child can dress up their own goldfish with fun accessories.
Supplies you need
- White card stock
- Crayons or colored pencils
- Scissors and glue
- Optional: Camera for taking photos and an envelop for storing the goldfish

How to make it
- Print one copy of the cover and weekday labels and multiple copies of the journal on regular white paper.
- Print the 5 Senses Dice and Goldfish Dress-up Template on white card stock.
- Organize the cover, journal and labels in a binder or your daily assignment folder.
- Ask your child to color in the cover and write down his/her name and the date.
- Make your own personalized goldfish. Color in the accessories and goldfish then cut out the ones you like and glue the accessory onto the goldfish.
Optional: Make the 5 Senses Dice.

Now you are ready for your Goldfish Adventure! Tell your child that the goldfish will be joining him/her on all the adventures. Take lots of pictures with the goldfish to capture their adventures together. You can demonstrate a selfie with the goldfish to get your child excited about taking photos together! At the end of the day, go through the journal with your child. If you made the 5 Senses Dice, take it along with your goldfish cutout. Use the dice to make it into a game by rolling the dice and asking your kid to tell you what they are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, or touching during their adventure. It’s a wonderful interaction tool that encourages your kids to use their senses to observe their environment.

How to fill in the journal
- Write in the weekday and the date. Optional: Cut out the weekday label and paste it in the weekday box on the journal.
- Circle or color in the weather of the day. Pair with this Weather Wheel for everyday immersion.
- In the section “Goldfish and I…” ask your kids what they did today with the goldfish. Your child can draw it in or write out simple words like park, playground, etc.
- In the bottom section, select 3 senses to describe or draw. Optional: roll the 5 Senses Dice to decide which 3 senses to do.

The photos that you take on these adventures are great writing prompts. Look at the photo and ask your kids to describe the photo with their senses. With the addition of a personalized Goldfish buddy, your kids will love journaling! Take a look at how Claudia at Ms. Claudia Lee Kimura taught her son how to journal with this goldfish journal set!

Would you like to share your goldfish photos or journals with us? We love seeing what adventures you had with the goldfish. Send them to and we will share your photos in a blog post with our community of parents and teachers.
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