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How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Kids Learning Chinese

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to teach children about love!  Their love for grandparents, parents, teachers, playmates, siblings, relatives, friends, and even pets!  Not only that, your children can learn how to express their love by making something special with their hands.

15 Days of Chinese New Year Celebration For Kids

The Chinese New Year, also referred to as the Lunar New Year is the biggest holiday celebration that stretches for 15 days and more.   It’s more than just celebrating a new beginning, it’s a celebration of hope, renewal, and gratitude.  When you teach your child about the Chinese New Year, you broaden their perspective about the world and acceptance of different cultures. You can celebrate the Chinese New Year with your children with many fun hands-on activities. 

Good Night Gorilla 晚安大猩猩 Activities for Kids Learning Chinese

Ever heard of ‘Good Night Gorilla’ 晚安大猩猩? It’s one of those timeless classics that kids just can’t get enough of, and parents secretly love too! Picture this: a wordless book filled with expressive illustrations that practically beg you to make up your own story as you go along. It’s like a creative free-for-all every time you open it!

I swear, my kiddo and I have made a game out of finding all the hidden gems in those illustrations. You’ve got your flashlight, your moon, a sneaky little balloon…oh, and don’t forget about that mischievous gorilla and his zoo pals! Every night, it’s a new adventure.

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