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5 Best Free Chinese Audiobooks for Children Learning Mandarin

Chinese audiobooks are one of the best ways to immerse your child in a Chinese-rich learning environment.  Like storybooks, audiobooks take your child on a journey of explorations with animated voices and sounds.  Not only that, they help your child get better at reading Chinese and you can access these audiobooks instantly from websites and apps.  Exposure to different narrators also gives your child an opportunity to see how a storyteller can bring a story to life with tones, articulations, pacing, and cadence.

Printable Goldfish Journal for Kids Learning Mandarin Chinese

Your kids will love journaling with this personalized goldfish journal set!  This goldfish journal is created to help your kids identify their 5 senses and describing events of their day with 5 senses.  As they complete each journal page, they will effortlessly pick up an array of Chinese words like the weekdays, weather, and each sense. 

Qingming Festival Activities for Kids Learning Chinese

Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) is a very important holiday in China and Taiwan and Chinese ethnics in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. It’s a holiday that honors the dead relatives and ancestors. In a way it’s similar to Memorial Day in the US, but instead of commemorating those that served in the military, it commemorates those that passed away in your family. On Qingming Festival, families all gather at the graveyard to sweep the tombs of their ancestors and deceased relatives.

Good Night Gorilla Activities for Kids Learning Chinese

How do you teach your kids kindness? Whether you are a parent, a school teacher, a homeschooling teacher or all of them, kindness is such an important practice that we have to instill in our little ones. But the question is, where do we start? After speaking with other parents and educators, we created these kindness activities to encourage more acts of kindness and compassion. You can use them to teach your kids at home or in a classroom. These kindness activities are perfect for preschoolers, kindergartners and first graders.

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Community for Parents Raising Bilingual Chinese-English Children