
Free Chinese Halloween Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Home 5 Blog Posts 5 Free Halloween Scavenger Hunt for Kids Learning Chinese
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We are kicking off October this year with a visit to the local pumpkin patch!  This weekend we went to Clancy’s Pumpkin Patch.  Every year they set up a beautiful pumpkin patch in an empty lot next to a small park.  It’s beautifully decorated with a wide range of pumpkins, scarecrows, witches, families of skeletons (with pets, too), and many more.  It’s been our ritual to visit the pumpkin patch together ever since my nephew was born.  This is the first year that we did a scavenger hunt in the pumpkin patch.  Before we began, I went through every item on the scavenger hunt checklist with my nephew so he understood what they are.  Then we let him loose.  It was so much fun to watch him get all excited when he found a new object.  He would run towards us and shout “I found biān fú!”  It made me feel so proud to see that he knows what a biān fú [蝙蝠 | bat] is and many other new Halloween words.

We let him roam around to find all the Halloween objects while we chatted and looked at different pumpkins.  The scavenger hunt is such an engaging game because kids become very focused on their mission to find all the objects. My nephew even memorized the last three items he needed on his list and repeatedly asked us if we had seen them.  I was surprised at just how fast he was learning new Chinese words and how dedicated he was to find all the objects.

Halloween Scavenger Hunt Ideas

There are so many ways you can use the scavenger hunt checklists.  Bring your scavenger hunt checklists on your next trick-or-treat or local Halloween events.  If you can’t find all the Halloween objects, get creative!  We had a hard time finding a black cat and candy corn.  But in the end, my nephew found a black cat on a lost cat sign by the register!  And for candy corn, he pointed to the corn stalks and asked if we could use that as candy corn for now, he promised he will find some later.  It was so cute to see how serious he was.

Halloween Chinese Vocabularies

Here are some common Halloween vocabularies that you can teach your child.  We made a video of Halloween vocabularies that your child can follow along to practice how to say these words.  For Halloween flashcards in Chinese and English, find them here.

蝙蝠 | 蝙蝠 biān fú | bat

黑色 | 黑色 hēi sè | black

黑貓 | 黑猫 hēi māo | black cat

掃把 | 扫把 sào bǎ | broom

大鍋 | 大锅 dà guō | cauldron

糖果 | 糖果 táng guǒ | candy

糖果玉米 | 糖果玉米 táng guǒ yù mǐ | candy corn

服裝 | 服装 fú zhuāng | costume

科學怪人 | 科学怪人 kē xué guài rén | Frankenstein

鬼 | 鬼 guǐ | ghost

萬聖節 | 万圣节 wàn shèng jié | Halloween

鬼屋 | 鬼屋 guǐ wū | haunted house

南瓜燈 | 南瓜灯 nán guā dēng | jack-o'-lantern

棒棒糖 | 棒棒糖 bàng bàng táng | lollipop

月亮 | 月亮 yuè liàng | moon

十月三十一日 | 十月三十一日 shí yuè sān shí yī rì | October  31st

橘色 | 橘色 jú sè | orange

貓頭鷹 | 猫头鹰 māo tóu yīng | owl

南瓜 | 南瓜 nán guā | pumpkin

骷髏 | 骷髅 kūlóu | skeleton

蜘蛛 | 蜘蛛 zhī zhū | spider

蜘蛛網 | 蜘蛛网 zhī zhū wǎng | spider web

不給糖就搗蛋 | 不给糖就捣蛋 bù gěi táng jiù dǎo dàn | trick-or-treat

巫婆 | 巫婆 wū pó | witch

巫婆帽 | 巫婆帽 wū pó mào | witch’s hat

More Halloween Activities for Kids

Anyways, hope you are ready for Halloween!   There are 2 Halloween scavenger hunt checklists in this download (log-in to download).  This game is one of many activities we have in our Halloween Activity Book.  From coloring to counting to puzzles, your child will have so much fun playing and learning Chinese with our Halloween Activity Book 2020.  Click here to discover more!

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Let's Keep In Touch

I would love to keep you fully stocked with creative ideas, fun crafts and loads of activities for teaching your little on Mandarin Chinese.  Follow me on FacebookPinterestand Instagram for all my latest updates.


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Ni Hao, I am Julia


Lingo Buddies is created to help your little ones develop a LOVE for learning Mandarin Chinese.

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